7 Simple Tips to Start a Conversation with Anyone

Estimated read time 5 min read

When you start a conversation, it can feel like cracking a code. No matter whether with a girl, a guy, your crush, or even on Tinder. But fear not 🚀 Uncover 7 simple, tried-and-true tips to start chatting with anyone effortlessly. Say goodbye to awkward silence!

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#1 Smile - Easiest Way to Start a Talking

A genuine smile makes an immediate bond. Smiling releases feel-good chemicals in your brain, lifting your mood and making you seem friendlier to others.

Check on Amazon: Smile & Succeed for Teens: a Crash Course in Face-to-Face Communication

5 Tips to Enhance Your Smile

  1. Be Kind to Your Teeth: Brush and floss regularly for a clean smile
  2. Sparkle with Whitening: Use whitening toothpaste to brighten your teeth
  3. Stay Fresh with Hydration: Water keeps your mouth fresh
  4. Lip Care: Apply lip balm for a smooth smile
  5. Rock Your Confidence: Self-confidence makes it shine

#2 Offer a Genius Compliment

Why don’t you start a conversation with a compliment? Not only does a genuine one lift up someone’s spirits, but it also leaves a positive impression on the speaker.

The Book Teaches How to Offer a Genius Compliment

In The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness, Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval provided practical advice on giving compliments effectively. I highly recommend this book to build a personal collection of compliments.

3 Tips to Offer a Genius Compliment

  1. Notice Strengths: Point out what makes them exceptional, like their brilliant ideas or talents.
  2. Highlight Impact: Explain how their genius positively affects others or situations.
  3. Be Genuine: Speak from your heart with honesty.

#3 Be Positive

Others perceive individuals who express positive emotions as 1.7 times more socially attractive and competent (Harker & Keltner, 2001). Clearly, staying positive boosts your appeal in others’ eyes. So, surround yourself with positive stuff.

Related Post: 5 Amazing Books to Supercharge Your Sense of Humor

3 Books to Maintain Positivity

  1. The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World: helps to foster positivity and lead by example in human interactions.
  2. The Positive Dog: A Story About the Power of Positivity: shows the importance of choosing positivity in our lives. Besides, it presents how this choice can lead to personal and professional growth.
  3. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: helps individuals maintain positivity and openness when dealing with others.

#4 Find a Common Ground

When two people find common ground, they feel understood and validated, fostering a sense of belonging. This sense helps to build trust, then a relationship quickly.

Check on Amazon: How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

5 Popular Common Grounds to Start a Conversation

  1. Hobbies: painting, hiking, or gaming
  2. Movies/TV Shows: favorite films or series
  3. Travel: travel stories and destinations
  4. Food: culinary preferences and restaurant recommendations
  5. Sports: favorite teams, matches, or even friendly sports rivalries

Check on Amazon: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

#5 Listen Actively

By listening actively, you show genuine interest and create a comfortable air. This encourages the speaker to open up more and more, making it easier to find common ground.

Check on Amazon: Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone

5 Simple Tips to Become an Excellent Listener

  1. Focus on the Speaker: maintain eye contact and avoid distractions like such as smartphones, books
  2. Stay Open: not interrupt or response while other is talking
  3. Empathize: don’t judge quickly, put yourself in other’s shoes
  4. Limit Advice: sometimes people need a listener, not an advisor
  5. Show Affirmation: use affirming phrases like “I see” to show you are engaged

Check on Amazon: Listen Up or Lose Out: How to Avoid Miscommunication, Improve Relationships, and Get More Done Faster


#6 Practice Curiosity - Key to Start a Conversation

Like actively listening, practicing curiosity presents genius interest. It makes the speaker feel valuable. Thus creating an inviting aura, silently encouraging others to share more.

Check on Amazon: A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life by Brian Grazer & Charles Fishman

3 Body Language Tips to Show Curiosity

  1. Lean Forward: show your eagerness to hear more
  2. Mirroring: mirror the other person’s expression
  3. Nod and Smile: demonstrate your curiosity and encouragement

Check on Amazon: What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

Check on Amazon: The Definitive Book of Body Language

#7 Ask Open-Ended Question

An open-ended question encourages a thoughtful response. It boosts people to share their opinion more.

Example 1

Close-Ended Question: Did you like that movie?

Open-Ended Question: What do you think about that movie? 

Example 2

Close-Ended Question: Did you like this restaurant?

Open-Ended Question: Any dishes that stood out to you?

Check on Amazon: Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Let’s apply these 7 simple tips to start conversations with everyone around! It might help your connection with others improve a lot.

What is your favorite conversation-starting technique? What do you think works for you? 

Please let me know in the comment below! 🎉🎉