Sparkling Prom Checklist for 2023 to Be On Time

Estimated read time 7 min read

If you want to look perfect and be on time for the prom, this checklist is for you. It shows you step-by-step instructions until the prom night, simple and easy to follow. Take around 5-7 minutes to scan the checklist. 

Table of Contents

#1 Appearance

step by step to prepare the outlook for prom.

1. Dress

First, prom is a very formal event, so it is better to go with a long-length dress. Second, a classic and elegant dress is a traditional choice. However, if it differs from your style, choose what pleases you. After all, prom is about you. Being yourself and showing it to the world is brave, daring, and unique. Third, it is wise to have a backup. If something goes wrong with the primary dress, you could always have another one! Tips for finding prom dresses quickly.

2. Jewelry & Accessories

Jewelry and accessories are very eye-catching. However, if you wear too much, everywhere is “eye-catching” – meaning counterproductive. As a result, two or three pieces are enough. Here are tips for selecting the right jewelry and accessories based on the outfit.

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3. Shoes

An excellent pair of shoes is significant for the prom. On the one hand, it must be well-matched with your other outfit. On the other hand, an excellent pair of shoes should make you feel confident to show them off and comfortable enough to stand on them. Here are some tips for finding these kinds of shoes.

4. Hair

Generally, you have two options with your hair for prom. First, could you handle it yourself? In this one, you should check out YouTubers, beauty bloggers, and Instagram influencers, getting some superb ideas and learning how to apply them to your hair. Second, go to your favorite salon. If you choose this option, you should make an appointment soon. The closer to prom day, the busier they get. 30 hairstyle ideas for prom that you may like to look into for beginners! 

5. Nails

Picking nail color is as tasking as narrowing down a prom dress. Fortunately, your favorite nail salon would handle everything. All you need is to pick up your phone and make an appointment. However, if you prefer to take care of them yourself, there are practical tips to select the nail color that suits you best!

#2 Planning for Action

step by step what to do to prepare for prom night. including choosing partner(s), getting tickets, deciding the transportation, preparing dinner before prom and planning after prom

1. Partner

Coming to prom with your date is long-established. However, there is nothing wrong with going alone or with a group of friends. Ask your partner at least one or two weeks before prom. Indeed, everyone needs time to consider and prepare outfits to match you.

2. Ticket

The most straightforward task in the prom checklist is getting tickets. Avoid “sold out” and “last-minute price” problems. Indeed, no lack of people would participate in prom. So an early deal is a good deal. 

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3. Transportation

You would need transport to prom and another out prom. The vehicle should ensure you are on time, not mess with your outfit, and safely take you to your destination. On the one hand, driving by yourself or with friends is preferable. However, Uber or any rented car is a good option too. It could be used if your guys are too drunk to drive home safely afterward. On the other hand, for a formal event such as a prom, with all the makeup and outfit, hitchhiking is not advised either before or after the dance.

4. Dinner Before Prom

It is traditional to have dinner with friends before the prom. However, with the short time and tons of preparing for the night, cooking is out of options. What about some take-away or dining in a neighborhood restaurant? A relaxing and joyful period before the significant event to go over the night plan with your buddies!

5. Plan After Prom

Prom is not the end. So feel free to spend the rest of the night with your buddies if you are still alright for another round!

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#3 Counting Down

what you do until prom night. trying on all your clothes, confirm all appointment, think what put into your bag ti bring which and relax your body

1. Try Everything On

Put every piece, from jewelry to shoes, on before prom for at least one week. Then, if something is wrong, you still have time to find another.

2. Confirm Appointments

Could you confirm with your salons at least two weeks before the appointment? Safe than sorry.

3. Share with Family

Prom is a joyful occasion that is important for you. So why not share it with family? Going through the prom checklist with mom, she would love shopping and preparing everything with her daughter. In addition, your father might give you his self-defense lessons and free speech on “not-come-home-late”

4. What to Bring?

Besides basics such as a smartphone, power bank, wallet, and keys, you should have lipstick, perfume, mouth freshener, tissues, hand sanitizer, and tampons. In addition, you should keep pepper spray if you plan to come home late. Better to be safe than sorry.

5. Relaxing Your Body

Before prom night, giving yourself free time to calm your body and mind is essential. A huge event is coming, so you will need all your energy!

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#4 Prom Day

what to do in prom day from morning to night. step to step

1. Take a Shower

A refreshing start for a busy day with taking a shower! Firstly, clean your skin with a body scrub or a loofah. Secondly, shave your body, especially your armpits and legs. Thirdly, use some body lotion to soften your skin. Lastly, could you put on some makeup to brighten your face before wearing comfortable clothes for the appointments? Ready yourself for the busy day ahead!  

2. Go to Appointments

You should bring all your prom outfits with you to the appointments. Before doing anything, you should show them to the makeup artist, hairstylist, and nail artist. Every detail, including prom dress, shoes, jewelry, makeup, hairstyle, pin, etc., must be well-matched.

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3. Get Ready

After the appointments, it is time to wear all the outfits and look in the mirror. Do it with your close friends. And before heading out, don’t forget to double-check your bag and phone battery. Finally, a lovely note on the dining table or a positive message to your loved ones would be highly welcomed and appreciated. Share your excitement with everyone!

4. Prom

Be yourself and enjoy the night. Let everything fall into place and come to you naturally. If your dress is imperfect, ignore it. When your hair turns a little messy, forget it. However, when you say something hurtful to others, please don’t ignore it. Be brave, take it back, and apologize immediately. Let prom night be a pleasant memory for everyone!

5. After Prom

There are two separate ways to take after the dance.

The first one is coming back home. You are tired (and maybe drunk) then, so please don’t risk anyone by driving. The easiest solution is calling someone or Uber to get you safely home.

The second one is going to another party. If you still have energy left, go with your buddies. However, don’t embarrass yourself or let someone send you a long bill later.

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In case you still have a lot of questions and feel too much to plan, take a deep breath, drink some water, and do something else to take your mind to relax for a while. After that, come back and read through the prom checklist. Please write down a short note about what needs to be done. In addition, you could discuss the prom checklist with your friends and family to alter it into what suits you best.